Peer coaching – a smart way to support remote working

It always puzzles me why organizations so rarely turn to peer coaching when they are looking for ways to increase employee engagement.

After the 2020 experience, many companies decided to permanently adopt the remote work model. This one, while bringing great benefits, can also have a negative impact especially for those employees who value the social atmosphere of the office or need a team for results. Therefore, companies and leaders face a huge challenge in helping people reduce stress, stay focused and productive in a changing work environment.

My years of experience show that they have a powerful tool at their disposal that they rarely use…. peer coaching . I had the pleasure of participating in the implementation of peer coaching about 20 years ago in what was just emerging as one of Poland’s first technology-based banks, and it was already bringing remarkable benefits.

What is the point of this? In peer coaching, employees talk to each other about their challenges, stresses, fears and hopes. They equally listen and talk, as well as support and encourage each other’s sensitivity, and most importantly give each other attention.

The goal is not to come up with solutions to each other’s problems, but to help each other find their own solutions, to take a moment to talk to a sympathetic person, to change their perspective of thinking.

Peer coaching also differs from mentoring, the essence of which is the difference in experience and business maturity between Mentor and Mentee. Ultimately, peer coaching is about two people helping each other confirm and activate knowledge about themselves that can help them in their work and daily lives. Both parties work in the same organization and face similar challenges and stresses, which helps create a strong relationship and lowers stress levels.

If you would like to implement peer coaching at your place then contact us so that we can schedule a free consultation with you to diagnose your challenges and suggest where to start.

Kingmakers™ is a modern brand that was born out of the need to provide our clients and ourselves with three values: consistency in performance, effective and ethical business and pleasure in work.


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