Coach on vacation, or what to do and what to give up while on vacation

The vacation season is underway, so keeping with the summer atmosphere, let’s consider how to tame our coaching egos during the vacations.

We coaches, seduced by a vision of the world in which everyone wants to talk to each other, are even “imprinted” with entering into deeper interactions with people. While deriving real satisfaction from them, we forget that it is not advisable in all circumstances. For example, on vacation – because this is the time when we should take a break from what we do every day. After many reprimands from my relatives, I try not to accost service people, not to rattle them while traveling, not to try to support people I have met recently. Remember, too, that if new people you meet confide in you, you don’t have to reciprocate. The secret-for-secrets principle doesn’t work here.

The healthiest holiday relationships are those in which we know enough about each other to have fun, but not enough to feel drawn into someone else’s life. I recommend not burdening yourself with someone else’s problems and keeping conversations superficial for you, but sufficient for others.

What, in turn, is worth doing? What will help you take a break and recharge your batteries?

First of all, the vacations are a great time to play with mindfulness. You can spend 3-5 minutes each day observing your feelings without judging. You can repeat such a procedure several times a day, with a smile and tenderness for yourself, of course. It has a cleansing effect, and moments of mindfulness will benefit you greatly at work.

What else is there to do? For example, direct your attention to the way you put your feet when walking. Feel how you carry weight, how your muscles work, how you catch your balance. It is also worth activating all the senses. Notice the smells and the feel of the wind, the clothes. Savor the sights and sounds. Celebrating food is just as wonderful on vacation – try new foods and interesting combinations – ones you don’t eat every day. Focus on the taste, experience it, but don’t name or judge, don’t compare.

Want or not a vacation trip will also help you practice patience. Opportunities will be provided by loved ones, service at a hotel or restaurant. Don’t worry, take it easy with the requirements, enjoy the moment, the company, life.

Don’t push time, just flow with it. Reveal reality while enjoying all your senses.

Kingmakers™ is a modern brand that was born out of the need to provide our clients and ourselves with three values: consistency in performance, effective and ethical business and pleasure in work.


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