How do you grow as a mentor?

It is not enough to be a mentor. In order to succeed in this role – as in any other – it is necessary to develop continuously and comprehensively.

Mentoring is a process in which you first master a method and then develop yourself to be able to lead others. So what can you do in this direction?

Verify yourself

Yes, it is even your duty. Mentoring requires regular review, or supervision. Therefore, don’t forget to participate in group interviews and meet with a properly trained supervisor who will support the development of your competence and attitude. For those serious about the role of mentor/mentee, the absolute minimum is one hour of supervision per quarter.

During supervision, share your experiences of conducting sessions, ask questions that bother you, look for ways to solve challenges and develop your skills as a guide in development.

So before you commit to mentoring full time, first check if the role suits you and what you need to learn, and then find someone to be your guide. Also constantly monitor whether you are deviating from the path. Check to see what kind of mentor/mentee you are – especially whether you are taking the helm for the mentee. Also take notes on your work. Such hot-headed self-reflections will be useful for supervisor and accreditation work when the time comes.

Stay up to date

Another important one from the point of view of mentor development is the constant updating of subject matter knowledge. No matter how good/excellent you are in your field, constantly develop yourself as a person and as an expert or expert. Keep up to date with what’s happening in your industry. For the mentee, this is very important – he counts on you to have up-to-date knowledge, to be willing and able to share it so that it serves him in the development process and is not just information.

In order to be an intellectually appealing personality to your mentee, gather information, talk within your industry, but also with other mentors and “fill your tank” by exchanging experiences and insights.

Take care of your personal brand and manage your energy

Wanting to achieve mastery as a mentor or mentee, Take care of yourself – your inner self, your intellectual development. Keep an open mind at all times. Go to the cinema, theater, concerts, travel, play sports, take an interest in socio-political issues. Listen to what others are saying, including those much younger than you.

Also take care of your own energy. You also pass it on to the mentee. Your fatigue or drowsiness can be seen immediately, and this weakens the power of the message and impact.

And finally – talk intelligently about yourself. This is how you build your personal brand. Learn to convey your experience, knowledge and personality in such a way that it properly reaches a specific person.

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